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= Ancient Races Migration =
#REDIRECT [[Project Pathfinder]]
== [[Sleeper|Sleeper]] Civilisation: ==
'''The Sleepers were masters of virtual reality, neural interfacing and cryotechnology.'''
One of the most fundamental aspects of the [[Arek'Jaalan|Arek'Jaalan]] Research Initiative is the [[Sleeper|Sleeper]] civilisation; its origins and influence. The easiest path from [[New_Eden|New Eden]] to the [[Sleeper|Sleeper]] [[Ruins|Ruins]] in Ani Constellation is a direct route, with little deviation, through the Genesis region briefly touching [[Essence|Essence]] Region and working through Deltole and Colelie to Metropolis Region.
This route is the same route as travelled by the [[Yan_Jung|Yan Jung]] nation, if the [[Stargate|stargate]] alignments are indicative of the most rapidly colonised worlds, after which the [[Sleeper|Sleeper]] civilisation took only six more systems of migration before finding their home.  This analysis is dependent on the usage of stargates being unique to the EVE [[Gate|Gate]] migration and arrival of the original Terran settlers.
Most of the information we have discerned about the [[Sleeper|Sleeper]] civilisation stems from investigations in W-Space. The ruined settlements, and occasional folklore pertaining to them, tell a different origin of the [[Sleeper|Sleeper]] race in [[New_Eden|New Eden]]. At a migration distance of half the [[New_Eden|New Eden]] cluster the choice of region and subsequent naming Metropolis is synonymous with the [[Sleeper|Sleeper]] main scientific interest noted above: Virtual Reality. The etymology of Metropolis stems from culturally advanced high-density population of a small area.
Bearing in mind that [[Minmatar|Minmatar]] space faring in 21413AD relied on Ancient Star Gates and Amarrian stargates were initially commissioned in 21290AD (roughly 3000 years ago), the latter of which was based on the design of an intact [[Stargate|stargate]] found at the far reaches of the Amarrian home system; It may be more relative to use [[Stargate|stargate]] routes as a basis for the route most favoured by the Ancient Races.
[[Akraun_Maertigor|Akraun Maertigor]] of Six Kin Development in [[Barkrik|Barkrik]] has stated that he has overheard conversation by a [[Thukker|Thukker]] in Hek that pertains to an Ancient Race that invented a virtual world that people could hook into and be completely immersed. They purportedly created this beautiful world where everyone was rich and happy. Before long, so the story goes, they were all hooked in with their bodies suspended in stasis chambers. With the consensus that [[Sleeper|Sleeper]] scientific interest is, as mentioned above, mastery of virtual reality, neural interfacing and cryotechnology this has the double impact of linking the two events. However, it is quite frequent that folklore bends to fit current information.
The colonisation of W-Space involves both the [[Sleeper|Sleeper]] Civilisation and also the [[Talocan|Talocan]] Civilisation.
{| border="1" cellpadding="20" cellspacing="0"
!Number of Jumps
!Solar System
|align="center" |1
|align="center" |Genesis
|align="center" |[[New_Eden|New Eden]]
|align="center" |2
|align="center" |[[Promised_Land|Promised Land]]
|align="center" |3
|align="center" |Central Point
|align="center" |4
|align="center" |Gateway
|align="center" |5
|align="center" |Exit
|align="center" |6
|align="center" |Access
|align="center" |7
|align="center" |Angur
|align="center" |8
|align="center" |Djimame
|align="center" |9
|align="center" |Antem
|align="center" |10
|align="center" |Imya
|align="center" |11
|align="center" |Gergish
|align="center" |12
|align="center" |Madomi
|align="center" |13
|align="center" |Doza
|align="center" |14
|align="center" |Heorah
|align="center" |15
|align="center" |Nasreri
|align="center" |16
|align="center" |Girani-Fa
|align="center" |17
|align="center" |Tarta
|align="center" |18
|align="center" |Tekaima
|align="center" |19
|align="center" |Tar
|align="center" |20
|align="center" |Pakhshi
|align="center" |21
|align="center" |[[Essence|Essence]]
|align="center" |Renyn
|align="center" |22
|align="center" |Sinq Laison
|align="center" |Du Annes
|align="center" |23
|align="center" |Balle
|align="center" |24
|align="center" |Aufay
|align="center" |25
|align="center" |Deltole
|align="center" |26
|align="center" |Colelie
|align="center" |27
|align="center" |Metropolis
|align="center" |Bei
|align="center" |28
|align="center" |Uttindar
|align="center" |29
|align="center" |Hek
|align="center" |30
|align="center" |[[Nakugard|Nakugard]]
|align="center" |31
|align="center" |''' Location of [[Rich_Man's_Run|Rich Man's Run]] and Contested [[Minmatar|Minmatar]] Military Depot '''
|align="center" |[[Inder|Inder]]
== [[Talocan|Talocan]] Civilisation: ==
'''The [[Talocan|Talocan]] were masters of Spatial manipulation and Hypereuclidean Mathematics.'''
Other notable interests pertaining to the [[Arek'Jaalan|Arek'Jaalan]] research initiative is the [[Talocan|Talocan]] race, their existence in W-Space and also their legacy within the [[New_Eden|New Eden]] Cluster.
Continuing in the same vane of migration analysis the [[Talocan|Talocan]] migration indicates a much wider range of migration, not only settling the furthest away from the EVE [[Gate|Gate]] but also crossing more regional territory using the shortest [[Stargate|stargate]] route. As seen in the illustration and table below the [[Talocan|Talocan]] traversed Genesis into Kor-Azor then through Domain into the Citadel and finally settling in the Forge Region, with their main archaeological [[Ruins|ruins]] being located at the Devils Dig Site in Otitoh.
This migration, at 34 jumps, differs significantly from all other Ancient Races as their route deviates south (using cardinal points of navigation whilst looking at an overhead of the cluster) after leaving Genesis region. Their eventual settlement location also gives rise to a conundrum. Utilising the existing [[Stargate|stargate]] network as a point of reference an anomaly quickly arises. This takes the form of the [[Stargate|Stargate]] from Niarja to Kaaputenen, the single largest distance in Empire Space to be traversed in one jump.
This could be due to the comparative styling of the [[Talocan|Talocan]] Battleship husks found in W-Space that appear as Seed Ships which may also be the original inspiration for the [[Aeon|Aeon]]. Although it could just as easily be the destruction of stargates as indicated in the final section titled Considerations.
After the largest distance of any [[Stargate|stargate]] jump the [[Talocan|Talocan]] appear to have been unsettled and migration continued for another 12 jumps before settling in the Okkelen constellation.
{| border="1" cellpadding="20" cellspacing="0"
!Number of Jumps
!Solar System
|align="center" |1
|align="center" |Genesis
|align="center" |[[New_Eden|New Eden]]
|align="center" |2
|align="center" |[[Promised_Land|Promised Land]]
|align="center" |3
|align="center" |Central Point
|align="center" |4
|align="center" |Gateway
|align="center" |5
|align="center" |Exit
|align="center" |6
|align="center" |Access
|align="center" |7
|align="center" |Angur
|align="center" |8
|align="center" |Djimame
|align="center" |9
|align="center" |Antem
|align="center" |10
|align="center" |Aring
|align="center" |11
|align="center" |Chej
|align="center" |12
|align="center" |Noranim
|align="center" |13
|align="center" |Kor-Azor
|align="center" |Nebian
|align="center" |14
|align="center" |Fensi
|align="center" |15
|align="center" |Ami
|align="center" |16
|align="center" |Amdonen
|align="center" |17
|align="center" |Kor-Azor Prime
|align="center" |18
|align="center" |Domain
|align="center" |[[Amarr|Amarr]]
|align="center" |19
|align="center" |Ashab
|align="center" |20
|align="center" |Madirmilire
|align="center" |21
|align="center" |
|align="center" |Niarja
|align="center" |22
|align="center" |The Citadel
|align="center" |Kaaputenen
|align="center" |23
|align="center" |Inaro
|align="center" |24
|align="center" |The Forge
|align="center" |Sirseshin
|align="center" |25
|align="center" |Tuuriainas
|align="center" |26
|align="center" |Geras
|align="center" |27
|align="center" |
|align="center" |Nomaa
|align="center" |28
|align="center" |Poinen
|align="center" |29
|align="center" |Obanen
|align="center" |30
|align="center" |Olo
|align="center" |31
|align="center" |
|align="center" |Ishisomo
|align="center" |32
|align="center" |
|align="center" |Sakkikainen
|align="center" |33
|align="center" |
|align="center" |Friggi
|align="center" |34
|align="center" |'''Location of Devils Dig Site'''
|align="center" |Otitoh
== [[Yan_Jung|Yan Jung]] Civilisation: ==
'''The [[Yan_Jung|Yan Jung]] nation possessed advanced gravitronic technology and force field theories.'''
The [[Yan_Jung|Yan Jung]] are an Ancient Race that colonised the Deltole System, with their most populated planets being V and VI. Planet V in the Deltole System is now a Lava Planet which may be indicative of [[Sebast_Mathon|Sebast Mathon]], the source of this information, having incorrectly recording his findings.
Their migration, as seen below, leads through the least number of systems when traveled by [[Stargate|stargate]]. Settling in the Algintal Constellation of Sinq Laison the main expanse traveled is through the Genesis Region. The migration is also the least [[Stargate|stargate]] Jumps of the three Ancient Races that chose to migrate outwards from the EVE [[Gate|Gate]].
There is little deviation in the [[Yan_Jung|Yan Jung]] Route whilst migrating away from the EVE [[Gate|Gate]], if the [[Yan_Jung|Yan Jung]] were migrating prior to the installation of stargates they would not need to have any cultural inspiration aside from moving outwards.
Of interest in the [[Yan_Jung|Yan Jung]] migration, is not only their specialised fields of research Gravitronic Technology (Containment systems) but also of Force Field Theories. Within their [[Ruins|ruins]] in Deltole a device known as Force Repeller Relic utilises Gravitronic Theory in two ways to act as a repulsive force, and also to enhance shield regeneration. The [[Neocom|Neocom]] notes on this device are: ''A strange device built by a human civilization dead for thousands of years that repels any ships that try to near it. It must be destroyed from afar, preferably with EM damage weapons.''
Of relevance is the Warp [[Gate|Gate]] within Deltole which the [[Neocom|Neocom]] states: ''This is a ancient device that rumour says will hurtle those that come too close to faraway places. Wary travelers stay away from them as some that have ventured too close have never been seen again.''  It may be that warp and acceleration gates rely on repulsive forces, alongside the usually expected force application that accompanies acceleration.
The extent of the [[Yan_Jung|Yan Jung]] migration does not appear to be prolific, although the conversion of Deltole V to a Lava planet may have hindered their migration and colonisation efforts.
One potential reason for the lack of credible documentation relating to any further spread of the [[Yan_Jung|Yan Jung]] race is the transferable application of their theories into cloaking technology, although this is not something that can be proven with our current history records.
{| border="1" cellpadding="20" cellspacing="0"
!Number of Jumps
!Solar System
|align="center" |1
|align="center" |Genesis
|align="center" |[[New_Eden|New Eden]]
|align="center" |2
|align="center" |[[Promised_Land|Promised Land]]
|align="center" |3
|align="center" |Central Point
|align="center" |4
|align="center" |Gateway
|align="center" |5
|align="center" |Exit
|align="center" |6
|align="center" |Access
|align="center" |7
|align="center" |Angur
|align="center" |8
|align="center" |Djimame
|align="center" |9
|align="center" |Antem
|align="center" |10
|align="center" |Imya
|align="center" |11
|align="center" |Gergish
|align="center" |12
|align="center" |Madomi
|align="center" |13
|align="center" |Doza
|align="center" |14
|align="center" |Heorah
|align="center" |15
|align="center" |Nasreri
|align="center" |16
|align="center" |Girani-Fa
|align="center" |17
|align="center" |Tarta
|align="center" |18
|align="center" |Tekaima
|align="center" |19
|align="center" |Tar
|align="center" |20
|align="center" |Pakhshi
|align="center" |21
|align="center" |[[Essence|Essence]]
|align="center" |Renyn
|align="center" |22
|align="center" |Sinq Laison
|align="center" |Du Annes
|align="center" |23
|align="center" |Balle
|align="center" |24
|align="center" |Aufay
|align="center" |25
|align="center" |'''Location of the Contested [[Gallente|Gallente]] Skeleton Comet / [[Yan_Jung|Yan Jung]] Relic Site'''
|align="center" |Deltole
== [[Takmahl|Takmahl]] Civilisation: ==
'''The [[Takmahl|Takmahl]] nation excelled in cybernetics and bio-[[Engineering|engineering]].'''
The [[Takmahl|Takmahl]] originally appear on [[Amarr|Amarr]] Prime, therefore their inclusion in the Ancient Races is one of progeny or deviation. The [[Takmahl|Takmahl]] Race formed during the [[Dark_Ages|Dark Ages]] between 8061AD and 21290AD, after the formation of the [[Sani_Sabik|Sani Sabik]] Cult. The migration of the [[Takmahl|Takmahl]] from [[Amarr|Amarr]] through to the most prolific of [[Takmahl|Takmahl]] [[Ruins|Ruins]]: [[The_Labyrinth|the Labyrinth]] (Aphi) is a story of exile according to [[New_Eden|New Eden]]'s available history.
With the [[Takmahl|Takmahl]] being inside of [[Amarr|Amarr]] history, as opposed to a separate entity, their formation is likely to have occurred after the inclusion of the role of holders and likely to involve affiliation to the [[Sani_Sabik|Sani Sabik]] Cult. It can be speculated that the [[Takmahl|Takmahl]] converted into modern day [[Blood_Raiders|Blood Raiders]].
The [[Takmahl|Takmahl]] [[Ruins|Ruins]] labelled [[The_Labyrinth|The Labyrinth]] in the solar system of Aphi were studied by the [[Arek'Jaalan|Arek'Jaalan]] Researchers: Aedeal, Horatius Caul, Calen Davrissus, Kathryn Dougans, [[Myyona|Myyona]], Katy Moore and Gosakumori Noh. The Temple within these [[Ruins|ruins]] is in close proximity to the Aphi Star which lends credence to the [[Takmahl|Takmahl]] choice of placing the [[Ruins|ruins]] in a cultural association with [[Sun|sun]] worship, or through inference, concealing truths with light.
The [[Takmahl|Takmahl]] were ostracised by the [[Amarr|Amarr]] Empire and all [[Takmahl|Takmahl]] Artifacts and religious texts were classed as heretical in nature. This indicates that their social view and direction of development differed from the [[Amarr|Amarr]] ethos, although their main historical interest in science is one of cybernetics and bio-[[Engineering|engineering]]. Whether or not the [[Takmahl|Takmahl]] race endorsed cloning, against the views of [[Amarr|Amarr]] nobility is undetermined.
Of note is their choice of migration; as seen in the route below the [[Takmahl|Takmahl]] were the only Ancient Race to migrated back towards the [[New_Eden|New Eden]] Solar System, where current travels will show that [[Blood_Raiders|Blood Raiders]] are inhabiting the area.
Folklore has indicated that the [[Takmahl|Takmahl]] have been '''touched by evil'''. Although, their migration path is the only route that centers their population close to the EVE [[Gate|Gate]], in the Araz Constellation of Kador. In their migration and / or exile from [[Amarr|Amarr]] the center point of their route, relative to the [[New_Eden|New Eden]] System, is Dom-Aphis. Dom is used in Ancient Terran language as a reference to dominion. Therefore with the [[Takmahl|Takmahl]] Archaeological hub in Aphi, the [[Takmahl|Takmahl]] may have named Dom-Aphis as their territorial boundary, why they would use a naming convention such as this in a location that is already within the Genesis Region is also undocumented.
{| border="1" cellpadding="20" cellspacing="0"
!Number of Jumps
!Solar System
|align="center" |1
|align="center" |Domain
|align="center" |[[Amarr|Amarr]]
|align="center" |2
|align="center" |Hedion
|align="center" |3
|align="center" |Boranai
|align="center" |4
|align="center" |Kador
|align="center" |Kador Prime
|align="center" |5
|align="center" |Khafis
|align="center" |6
|align="center" |Gonan
|align="center" |7
|align="center" |Ghesis
|align="center" |8
|align="center" |Aband
|align="center" |9
|align="center" |Munory
|align="center" |10
|align="center" |Zimse
|align="center" |11
|align="center" |Nidupad
|align="center" |12
|align="center" |'''Location of [[The_Labyrinth|The Labyrinth]] Complex'''
|align="center" |Aphi
|align="center" |13
|align="center" |
|align="center" |Chanoun
|align="center" |14
|align="center" |Genesis
|align="center" |Iderion
|align="center" |15
|align="center" |Dom-Aphis
|align="center" |16
|align="center" |Alal
|align="center" |17
|align="center" |Assez
|align="center" |18
|align="center" |
|align="center" |Ziasad
|align="center" |19
|align="center" |Sibe
|align="center" |20
|align="center" |Gergish
|align="center" |21
|align="center" |
|align="center" |Imya
|align="center" |22
|align="center" |
|align="center" |Antem
|align="center" |23
|align="center" |Djimame
|align="center" |24
|align="center" |
|align="center" |Angur
|align="center" |25
|align="center" |Access
|align="center" |26
|align="center" |Exit
|align="center" |27
|align="center" |
|align="center" |Gateway
|align="center" |28
|align="center" |Central Point
|align="center" |29
|align="center" |[[Promised_Land|Promised Land]]
|align="center" |30
|align="center" |[[New_Eden|New Eden]]

Latest revision as of 08:03, 26 December 2011

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