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Revision as of 09:13, 2 December 2011

Complex Details
Serpentis Sanctum
Signature Strength NA
Type {{{type}}}
DED rating
Security 0.0
Known Regions Cloud Ring Fountain Syndicate
Pirate type Serpentis
Serpentis Sanctums are Cosmic Anomalies that can be found with the on-board scanner or a Scan Probe.

The enemies consist of multiple waves, beginning with Battleships, Frigates, and Cruisers, followed up by heavier units before finally culminating with a possible Battleship sized Shadow Spawn.

Total ISK value of spawns is approx. 38mil, not counting the "possible" shadow spawn at the end.

To start the waves you may need to first shoot the Pirate Structure.

First Wave:

4 Frigs

4 Cruisers

8 Battleships (last Core Lord Admiral - trigger for next wave)

Second Wave 50KM away

4 Cruisers

3 Battleships (trigger)

Third Wave 60KM away

3 Frigs (4 frigs for me)

4 Battleships (3 Battleships for me) (trigger)

Fourth Wave 20KM

3 Battlecruisers

3 Battleships (4 Battleships for me)(trigger)

Fifth Wave 70KM

6 Battleships

3 Cruisers (2 cruisers for me)

3 Frigs (4 Frigs for me)

Sixth wave 50KM

4 Battleships

7 Frigs

3 Battlecruisers

Seventh wave 70KM

1 Shadow (possible)

4 Battleships

3 Frigs

3 Cruiser

3 Battlecruisers


Upon completion there is a chance for the site to bring up an escalation to a Serpentis Complex.

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