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Revision as of 03:04, 1 December 2011

Complex Details
Drone Gathering
Signature Strength  ???
Type {{{type}}}
DED rating N/A
Security Highsec, Lowsec
Known Regions All Regions
Pirate type Rogue Drones

General Information

Drone Gathering is a Class 4 Level 1 Cosmic anomaly occupied by NPC's known as Rogue Drones. It is found in both high and low security systems in all regions of the Eve Universe.

The anomaly site itself is a small open area (no Acceleration gate). It will have multiple spawns, each spawn triggered by the destruction of the previous spawn.

The names and amount of ships spawning may vary slightly from what is listed here. All ship spawns encountered are Frigate, Destroyer and Cruiser class.

Warp in

Pop up message

"Rogue Drones have found this wreckage and claimed it as their own, probably for the metals and alloys they can extract from it. They do not take kindly to your intrusion."

Spawn Information

Initial Spawn
2 x Drone Heavy Missile Battery
2 x Shreader Alvior (Destroyer) (Trigger)
1 x Barracuda Alvi (Frigate)

Second Spawn
2 x Destructor Alvum (Cruiser)

Third Spawn
2 x Devastator Alvum (Cruiser)
1 x Shatter Alvior (Destroyer)

Fourth Spawn
3 x Destructor Alvum (Cruiser)
2 x Predator Alvior (Destroyer)

Fifth Spawn
3 x Shredder Alvior (Destroyer)
3 x Annihilator Alvum (Cruiser)

Sixth Spawn
1 x Sentient Annihilator Alvum (Commander Cruiser)


A Sentient Rogue Drone (Commander) NPC may spawn at last stage of this anomaly. Sentient Commander wrecks will usually give Tech 2 salvage and may contain Rogue Drone Components used in Manufacturing and Production. This anomaly may escalate. All wrecks will contain Alloys and Compounds.

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