Difference between revisions of "UI import/export overview settings (CSM)"

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== Relevant Forum Threads ==
== Relevant Forum Threads ==
* http://myeve.eve-online.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=789551
* http://www.eveonline.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=789551
== Votes ==
== Votes ==

Revision as of 17:37, 22 December 2010


Raised by: Ankhesentapemkah
Submission Date: 06-12-2008
Issue ID: 0201-03-0105
Special: Raised to the meeting on 6 Dec 2008 due to being most popular issue


Right now the UI and Overview settings are stored per character per machine. This is problematic for people that have many characters and/or many machines they use to play Eve Online, as they will have to customize the overview manually, and quickly get annoyed by other aspects of the UI such as the tutorial and help pages popping up by default.

The players request a way so they can retain their UI/Overview settings.

Potential Solutions

  • Import/Export functionality, people can save/restore settings from harddrive
    • Pros
      • Allows players to retain settings
      • Settings can be transferred between characters and machines
      • Relatively easy to implement
      • People can change UI to another layout on the fly
      • Corps/Fleets can standarize UI
    • Cons
      • Compatibility with all future client versions?
      • Configuration files like this usually get lost by people
  • Store Overview/UI settings at Eve server (like Guild Wars)
    • Pros
      • No user action required
      • Reformats, reinstalls and computer crashes do not wipe settings
    • Cons
      • Harder to implement
      • Can't transfer it between characters unless used in conjunction with the above suggestion

Relevant Forum Threads


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